There’s a quote by Tommy Lee Jones that states  “Kindness and politeness are not overrated, they are ubderused.”  I agree! Sometimes I hate to check my mailbox. I just know I’ll find junk mail.  On rare occassion I receive a card and my day seems brighter.

Many times while grocery shopping people are in such a hurry that  they run in to the back of  you or can’t wait to get around you and make wierd noises..  Then as a reminder that there are polite people in th world, some kind person reaches for the item you can’t quite reach and hands it to you.

Does this sound familiar?  Just imagine if you had to flea from your home and could only take what is on you. This very thing happens to most people that flea from domeatic violence situations. I can’t fully imagine but I can attempt to make a person’s day a little brighter by collaborating with The Pamper Package Project.

The Pamper Package Project puts together gift bags with thoothbrushes, toothpaste, lip balm, male -up, warm fuzzy socks, scarves, and more small items that make thier day a little more bearable.

This year my granddaughter and I collaborated with The Papmper Package Project.  We made cards that were placed in the gift bags and on Wednesday, February 14th, the bags will be taken to a womens’ shelter.

Here is one of the cards my granddaughter made.