I have completed 4 kits this week and several Christmas cards. I was amazed at how I continually used my trimmer. It is so very awesome. If you don’t have one I highly recommend that you get it. The trimmer has a 7 3/4 inch cutting base. It also has a 17 inch extendable arm allowing easy trimming of the 12×12 paper. The face or grid is covered with a durable material that won’t wear off. The grid also has a ruler at the top, middle, and bottom that is both imperial and metric.

If that wasn’t outstanding enough! It has two blades. A light gray blade that scores (how very convenient) and a dark blade that cuts. They both live on the clear guide that also has a ruler for those precision cuts we sometimes make.

For $25.00 this is an excellent buy. You can find the trimmer in my store. Just click shop now and you can find it on page 15 of the annual catalog.

You won’t be disappointed!