This Monday (7/12) I created a two page spread that would welcome a baby boy  into a family.

I used blue 12×12 card stock as the pages. I then cut out white card stock to be used to layer photos. The white card stock was layered on Pear Pizazz. At the top of the first page I layered a white 1 1/2  x 10 strip of white card stock onto a slightly larger strip of Pear Pizazz . At the bottom right hand of the strip located at top of page, I placed a white cloud shape i cut out. I used yellow twine to tie on a yellow star and moon shape.  Beginning on  the left hand side of the strip I used stickers to spell “Lullaby”. Then below the layered strip I used a small safety pin with letter beads on it. The I attached the safety pin on a small piece of Pear Pizazz.

The white blocks can be changed depending on the size of the photos. There is plenty of room for journaling.